Missouri's Theocracy?
Missouri is one of three states considering bills regarding the Bible in schools. Late last month, Georgia lawmakers approved a measure that would financially reward schools that provide elective courses that use the Bible as the core textbook. Alabama legislators are eyeing a bill that would create an elective course known as "The Bible and its Influence" in all school districts.
The bill allows schools to offer classes in which the Bible is taught and gives local school boards the authority to dictate the context of biblical teachings. The measure, sponsored by Sen. Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau, is swiftly making its way through the legislative process.
"I voted for it because it doesn't do anything," Sen. Chuck Graham, D-Columbia, said. "It makes a certain segment of the population feel better, that's all it does. It's harmless."
[since when do we pass bills solely on whether it makes people "feel better"? And OMG who gets to choose the privileged few? Maybe a rhetorical questions...]
While schools already are allowed to teach about religions in a historical or literary context, some wonder whether Crowell's bill could do harm by singling out the Bible and not mentioning other religious texts.[Yeah, wah-wah, your faith is soooooo threatened. Keep using that fear excuse to justify your egocentric values and brainwashed beliefs]
Missouri House members last night overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment intended to ensure students can pray privately and voluntarily at public schools.
Supporters say the amendment generally would uphold court precedents about prayer in school. But they insist a specific state constitutional protection is needed to safeguard the freedom of religious expression found in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
"I think faith is under constant attack," said House Speaker Pro Tem Carl Bearden, R-St. Charles, the lead sponsor of amendment.
The proposal will go before Missouri voters in November if it clears a final House vote and also passes the Senate before the legislative session ends May 12.
Athiest California Attorney renews his fight against "under God" in allegiance pledge. No matter what the court decides this time, it is almost certain the case will be appealed again to the U.S. Supreme Court, which dismissed the previous suit on procedural grounds. That dismissal left the core issue of the pledge's constitutionality unsettled.[there it is again - that perverted mix of religion and government. Oh wait, I see some misogyny stirred in too!! Yummy!]Worried that courts may rule against "under God," U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, a Missouri Republican, is sponsoring the proposed Pledge Protection Act, which already has nearly 200 co-sponsors, including several from Missouri and Kansas.
"The words "under God" are not just there for window dressing," Akin said in a phone interview, "but they address a central aspect of what America is all about: We believe there is a God, even though we don't agree on exactly what his name is. God grants basic rights to people and government's job is to protect those rights. That's why that phrase in our pledge is in need of defense."
Its nice to know that Akin and his ilk are so determined to defend "God" while trampling on almost every tenet of true Christian faith. Remember that "judge not stuff? How about that "as you do unto the least of these you do unto me" or "I was hungry and you fed me?" I could go on but why bother? The God of Jesus is not the God of these kinds of people. Give their lives for a stranger? Heck, they won't even give up a tax cut.
Joy, at 3:31 PM
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